Expect Excellent Services

Experienced Kitchen Staff and Chef
Not only does Hoaglin Catering have an award-winning chef, but it also has a highly skilled kitchen staff to boot. When selecting a catering service for your event it is essential to choose a caterer who has significant experience for the type of event you wish to host. However, the length of time the catering company has been operational does not necessarily translate into delicious and fantastic cuisine. The experience and background of the kitchen staff and chef are more critical than how long the company has been operational or how many awards the company’s owner has to their name. When it comes to a caterer, it is often the kitchen staff and chef who seal the deal. This is something worth considering because these two categories of people are the ones who are most responsible for the outcome of the catering service, and whether or not your visitors will enjoy it. Hoaglin Catering is able and willing to expertly and elegantly delight and surprise your visitors by delivering adventurous, beautiful, and tasty meals with excellent service to complement the theme of your event to ensure that every detail is in place.

Properly Insurance
Hoaglin Catering has insurance coverage ensuring that you do not run into any legal troubles that may result from an accident or oversight. The insurance coverage protects Hoaglin Catering From unforeseen contingencies and relieves you of the stress of having to deal with any recourse from an accident that may result from hiring a caterer who is not properly insured.

Full Explanation of Goods/Services Promised in The Agreement
Transparency is key in any successful business transaction. Hoaglin Catering spells out what to expect in terms of the service, food, and beverages offered at your event. This ensures you have a basis for measuring whether your expectations have been fully met. every detail is included in the agreement including the pricing, number of people, number of servings, as well as bar and beverage services among others. The agreement also details the number of staff that will attend your event including the chef and his or her staff, the servers, the banquet captain, the bartenders, the dishwashers, as well as the people loading and off-loading the trucks.

Willingness to offer Tastings
Attending a tasting is one of the best ways to determine the quality of service provided by a caterer. There’s no shortcut to learning more about a caterer other than by sampling their products. Tastings also provide a compass of what the menu selection you are considering for your event will taste like. Hoaglin Catering provides tastings to allow you to make the best decisions for what to include in your event’s menu. If your event will require wine you can also request some wine pairings for the tastings. This is an essential step in your planned event because it allows you to help Hoaglin Catering help you.